Sundquist Nursery grows a range of designer trees and shrubs as well as select natives.
Our designer shrub palette includes a large range of hydrangeas, select deciduous azaleas, Disanthus, hardy fuchsias, Enkianthus, and the prettiest natives. Hummingbirds careen and argue over the plants.

Our natives include ornamental and useful plants such as snowberry, vine maple, mahonias, salaal, red and evergreen huckleberries, and named forms of flowering currant (red, white, pink). All the plants are container-produced to eliminate transplant shock – even our vine maple clumps.

Nils was the first grower in Puget Sound to offer a wide range of all-summer-blooming hardy fuchsias to the trade in landscape ready sizes. We don’t promote “half-hardy” varieties as hardy. Our fuchsia offerings include true-to-name ‘Ricartonii’ (Irish hedgerow fuchsia) and ‘Genii’ (essentially a goldleaf ‘Tom Thumb’). Most of the plants sold under these names (even from Heronswood) are plain F. magellanica and F. magellanica ‘Aurea’ respectively. Ours are true to name. the real thing.
Check us out for awesome unusual plants that actually grow!