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Garden Show Plants!

 Return of the awesome plants!  Each February, we offer unusual, hard-to-find varieties at Seattle's Northwest Flower and Garden Festival.  These shows are an excellent chance to shove winter aside, kick off your garden season, and get bargain prices on wonderful plants that are

1)  outstanding new introductions or rare heirlooms,

2)  in high demand and limited supply, or

3)  hardly ever available at all!

We offer scores of choice varieties in clean, easy-to-carry packages.

 Visit Sundquist Nursery for terrific plants not found at your local nursery, but that are gorgeous and grow!



February 14 - 18, 2024 - Seattle NW Flower and Garden Festival booth 2144



This year we offer new varieties for reliability and a different look in your garden or pots!  Many plants are widely marketed with little attention to how well they grow in the Pacific NW.  Our focus is on varieties with demonstrated ability to grow here.  A super way to gauge Pacific NW performance is to go with plants selected as Great Plant Picks.  We'll have about fifteen of them.  Other excellent widely adapted plants we offer are Perennial Plants of the Year and Hostas of the Year.  Some super plants for our area are British Award of Garden Merit winners.  Plantsman Nils Sundquist trials plants in the nursery gardens and has the experience to select the best with an eye to great plants that grow easily and well.  Many of our varieties are new to commerce and simply haven't won their awards yet.  When you shop at Sundquist Nursery, you can find what's new and what's tried and true, and choose plants with confidence.  A great value for the money, our plants are often larger than those sold by others - if you can find them at all!  Varieties are typically grown here for at least a year (often two to five years) before we offer them. 


Geum 'Eos'


Easy-to-carry bare root plants at the thriftiest prices of the year!



Here are a few highlights of what we'll have at this year's February show!



New Moon globeflower  

Eos Geum



Are you looking for uncommon but easy to grow flowers to light up your garden? 


We offer rare and beautiful heirloom bowman's root (Gillenia) featuring weeks of summer blooms - combining beautifully with other summer bloomers in your garden or vase.



And it's hard to beat 'Eos' Geum for combined flowers and foliage at the front of the border!






dwarf Hosta 'Cherry Tart' - gold leaves, red stems!

Spotty Dotty Mayapple




Do you want to add awesome foliage?


Discover an impressive selection of reliable foliage plants for bright or shaded gardens, including the spectacular if fleeting leaf colors of 'Fay Anna' geranium in spring, followed by purple late spring blooms and burgundy red fall color. 


Dramatic 'Spotty Dotty' mayapple is also available to make her presence known in your not-so-subtle shade garden! 






Find the show's best hosta selection - new ones, unusual colors, gorgeous blue, big, and small - including  festive, corrugated 'Glad Rags'! 

Hosta 'Glad Rags'

Hosta 'Spilt Milk'









'Spilt Milk' is back!  We have spent years building up stock of this totally unique rare and beautiful big blueleaf hosta with white spots, streaks, and flecks!









And then there's the classic 'Lakeside Paisley Print' with patterning like no other!Hosta Lakeside Paisley Print



Spigelia 'Little Redhead'

 Murasaki Shikibu violet ground orchidDo you love a natural flair?  We offer gems like hard-to-find firecracker Spigelia and rare but durable 'Murasaki Shikibu' Bletilla ground orchid, both amazing for creative natural garden summer blooms! 















Epimedium 'Circe'


Epimedium grandiflorum 'Cranberry Sparkle'






Other plants for some shade include a selection of outstanding Epimediums offering up lively blooms and awesome foliage, including handsome and seldom available purple and white bicolor 'Waterfall', a foliage masterpiece, as well as sought after 'Circe', the new standard for bright red blooms in profusion plus reliable growth!









Do you want something different that still grows?  We can help! 


In Orbit  globe onion


Got sun?!

'Timothy' pink poker plantWe offer flowers that lure butterflies and hummingbirds, including 'In Orbit' Allium with 3" globe flowers whose interest extends for months as they age! 





Or you can get creative with 'Timothy' pink poker plant, a great garden grower with extraordinary bloomspikes over grassy foliage!  Unique among pokers!


The hummingbirds won't know where to begin. 





Tsukiyono 'Moonlit Field' pseudata iris   

Ming Treasure ampliflora iris




'Moonlit Field' ('Tsukiyono') pseudata iris is a rare unusual water iris that's non-invasive and also grows easily in your garden.  


'Ming Treasure' giant iris is a yuuge bigly and massive new 4'+ iris for eyepopping impact and outrageous cut flowers! (No building permit required.)











Clematis texensis Princess Kate

Rain Dance bush clematis



Do you want to get the summertime blues?    There ain't no cure for them, and you can get them here!  'Rain Dance'  bush Clematis is a  repeat bloomer that can be grown among  shrubs and perennials!







Do you want something a little unusual?  'Princess Kate' tulip clematis is another repeat bloomer for weaving up a trellis or through rose bushes or hydrangeas. 






Telekia - heartleaf oxeye daisy

Alpine Sea Holly


Want something freaky and fun?!  Heartleaf oxeye daisy (Telekia)  bubbles up big frilly golden yellow blooms on long stems, fantastic for cutting - and grows well in Northwest gardens.  You'll want to steal some of those flowers from the butterflies.



Alpine sea holly is a rarely available species that combines stunningly in cut bouquets.







Dierama pulcherrima'Sweet Sandia' Coneflower



Want cooler colors?  You can pick softer colors for sun, too, like heirloom must-have Dierama, angel's fishing rod, or luscious 'Sweet Sandia' coneflower.  Both make wonderful cut flowers and are easy to care for.  


Just stay out of the butterflies' way!











Crocosmia Star of the East


''Heartbeat' "Superpoppy"





Or do you like it hotter?  Who can resist 'Heartbeat' superpoppy or 'Star of the East' Crocosmia with its huge 4" blooms?  Yes, 4"!  The hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees know what's good for them!  Take some cut flowers inside for gratifying bouquets!









native false Solomon's seal - Smilacina racemosa

'Hurricane Ridge' native jacob's ladder


Do you cherish native plants?  Come discover sweet native perennials like fabulous fluffy false Solomon's seal, or our 'Hurricane Ridge' Jacob's ladder, two of our region's most ornamental natives!

Plus lots more natural garden selections!



Come find a huge range of easy-care, colorful perennials for shady or bright gardens.  You can choose from close to a hundred varieties, many of which we're offering for the first time, as well as classic but hard-to-find heirlooms.  All locally grown.   









Where the salamanders roam free

Do you long for contentment in spite of everything that's going on in your life?  I know, I know, who doesn't?  Gardening in your yard or containers is one of the most reassuring, healthful, thrifty ways to dial things back, decompress, connect with nature, stay grounded, treat yourself, create beauty, refresh, and stay positive! We offer the best of the new and the old - the most beautiful, reliable varieties for your containers, gardens, and bouquets.  Don't wait - plant and enjoy!  Butterflies and hummingbirds will visit you for free.  These are just a few of our favorite plants, grown where the salamanders roam free.  

Satisfy your plant lust without performance anxiety.  Find us at the garden show!