Our plants are thriving in the most visible, spectacular, demanding, and refined gardens and commercial landscapes - and also in thousands of smaller spaces and pots that make up 99% of green spaces.
Most of Sundquist Nursery's business is in supporting horticultural professionals by providing grower-direct quality and value. Delivery is possible with a minimum order.
Our relationships with plant professionals - independent nurseries, rewholesalers, brokers, designers, architects, public sector clients, and landscapers - are based on decades of meeting their needs. We're here to serve you!
For homeowners with plant lists, we can bid competitive package prices with quantity discounts. Check us out! You have nothing to lose. You can send a list using our contact page.

We offer grower-direct prices to public sector professionals or tradespeople with a plant-related master business license who order in wholesale quantities (usually but not always defined as full flat minimums of each variety). Wholesale pricing is also based on knowing more or less what you want, as well as substantial self-sufficiency (including the ability to pull and load one's own plants) in the course of doing business. We don't have a sales staff to walk tradespeople through the design process. With adequate lead time we can pull your order for pick up at the nursery. This is a significant labor savings for our customers, and in return, while you can always reserve the right of rejection, we need you to pick up those plants promptly. Our rejection rate is near zero. Delivery is available for minimum orders; there's a reasonable delivery fee in Puget Sound or farther by arrangement. Payment terms are COD unless creditworthiness has been established. We can accept credit cards; however costs are lower for other forms of payment. Questions? Need plants? Please use our contact page.
Sundquist Nursery is a family business. Nils Sundquist often answers the phone, but is also often out in the nursery or otherwise making sure something gets taken care of. The sign at the bottom of our driveway reads, “We are not always available. For best service, please call ahead [three-six-zero] 779-6343.” If we don’t answer, please leave a detailed voicemail so we can respond with an answer asap. You may also email using the contact page.
Sundquist Nursery is certified free of Sudden Oak Death (SOD).