When people ask Nils what plants Sundquist Nursery grows, he occasionally replies, "We grow fluff - all the plants for dressing up a garden after the basics are chosen." Plants for enriching the spaces under trees or along narrow shaded paths are a specialty here. Many of these gems are slow growing, and we typically hold them in their pots for a full growing season before releasing them for sale. We take the time, ensuring a strong start in your landscape followed by years of delight.

Our shade companions include Winter Jewel hellebores, trilliums, hepaticas, ferns, Anemonella, hardy perennial primroses (including our own extraordinary candelabras) , Solomon's seals, epimediums, Maianthemum, false Solomon's seal (Smilacina racemosa), hostas, blue corydalis, wild ginger (Asarum) and more. Sundquist Nursery is the only source in the region for quantities of arborvitae fern, Selaginella braunii.

Among our most useful plants is the groundcover Vancouveria hexandra 'Randy's Evergreen'. This native was collected by Randy Raub on a site being developed near Portland. Randy saw this plant was stronger and held its leaves better under winter conditions than other Vancouveria. 'Randy's Evergreen' will usually maintain foliage through several freezes down to the low 20s. Sundquist Nursery introduced this useful native to the green trades in 1999.